“MBSR training at your speed.”

Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction

The original, Jon Kabat-Zinn, M.B.S.R. Training Program

Welcome, to the true MBSR training program. Developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical School by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

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What Is MBSR Training?

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (M.B.S.R.) online, is a 9-Lesson evidence-based program offering secular, intensive mindfulness training to assist people with stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. 

You learn and train at your own speed.

Mindfulness training is a practical approach that trains attention, allowing people to cultivate awareness and to have more choices. MBSR training uses a combination of mindfulness meditation, body awareness, yoga, and exploration of patterns of behavior, thinking, feeling, and action. Mindfulness can be understood as the non-judgemental acceptance and “open-hearted” investigation of present moment experiences. MBSR training includes awareness of body sensations, internal mental states, thoughts, emotions, impulses, and memories.  This reduces stress and anxiety and increases well-being. (Kabat-Zinn, 2003) Source-Wikipedia

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Jon Kabat-Zinn

Studied Benefits Of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training

  • Cognitive benefits
  • Emotional benefits
  • Physiological benefits
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Increase in positive thoughts
  • Increased ability to concentrate
  • Increased capacity for empathy
  • Increased capacity for compassion
  • Lower blood pressure and pulse rate
  • Increased ability to regulate emotions
  • Increase in ability to be non-judgmental
  • Increased brain activation in regions associated with positive thoughts and mood

Reasons Why People Signup for MBSR Training:

  • Illness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • GI distress
  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety and panic
  • Sleep disturbances
  • High blood pressure
  • Compassion Fatigue
  • Stress — job, family or financial
Mindfulness Trainers are skilled in providing a structure program that reduces stress and anxiety and promotes improved health and happiness.
Heidi & Ross

Course Support:

Phone: 1-519-648-2985
Email: themindfulcoach@gmail.com

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How Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training Works (Online)

MBSR Training Features

  • Start at any time
  • Self-paced Learning
  • Jon Kabat-Zinn downloads
  • There are 9, 2 1/2 hour lessons
  • Each lesson:
    • contains 12 lesson topics
    • (108) audio, video & text topics
    • has questions for personal reflection
    • requires daily formal and informal practices
  • A ‘Certificate of Completion’ with successful course participation.
  • The curriculum is by the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
  • The M.B.S.R. course is self-paced and done at your convenience anywhere.

30-day full refund

Certificate of Completion

MBSR Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Completion


Phone, 1-519-648-2985

Email, TheMindfulCoach@gmail.com


Hi Ross

I really enjoyed the 8-week MBSR training and look forward to continuing to grow in my practice of mindfulness. My hope is to become an MBSR teacher trainer within the next couple of years and I know the record of taking an MBSR training is one of the requirements on the road to becoming a teacher so I would like to have some sort of verification that I have completed the course.
Thank you for providing this online training.  It has been a gift to me during the past 2 months during the pandemic and I am grateful for having an online option for the training. 
Thanks and take care.

Mary Alice Grady

A Turning Point

As I finish this mindfulness class, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for mindfulness of meditation, breathing, walking, eating, talking, listening, grounding, safety, teachers, audios, readings, poems, journaling, yoga, the whole program including you Ross, and myself. This is a powerful turning point in my life.
Thank you

Hello Ross,

I hope you are having a beautiful week!

I completed the 8-week MBSR training last week.
Thank you dearly for facilitating it. It has changed my life for the better, in many ways and I greatly look forward to continuing to incorporate the practice. Sincere thanks and gratitude, Lisa

A Doorway

This has been a course in which I have come back home to who I really am in my essence. This course is really a doorway for others to love being in their own company with no judgment and unconditional self-love.
Thank you, Ross

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What Is Mindfulness?

Broadly defined, mindfulness is learning how to use our natural mental faculties of attention & intention. We first bring a non-judgmental attention, to our daily life experiences. Then we choose a wise intention, to match any of our life experiences. This deeper understanding of our life, results in more health & happiness. As we practice mindfulness we have less stress & more calmness, clarity and choices.

What Is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training?

Mindfulness training is a way of learning to consciously and systematically work with stress, pain, illness, and the challenges and demands of everyday life by not turning away from them but learning how to be resilient with and through them.

Mindfulness is already within the human experience. A deep internal resource of attention, intention and attitude that is available to us. Mindfulness is patiently waiting to be used in the service of learning, growing and healing.

Original Jon Kabat-Zinn MBSR program.

“Mindfulness is moment to moment, non-judgmental awareness.”  -Jon Kabat Zinn , Ph.D. (1990)

HISTORY Of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction:

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was founded by John Kabat Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979.  MBSR has now spread to multiple populations including health professionals and medical and nursing students, as well as in numerous settings including work places and educational institutions.

BENEFITS Of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction:

Three decades of published research indicates that the majority of people who complete MBSR courses report:

  • Improved self-esteem
  • An increased ability to relax
  • Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
  • Reductions in pain levels and an enhanced ability to cope with pain
  • An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful situations.

Mindfulness Is Not:

Mindfulness is not something that one gets or acquires. It is already within the human experience. A deep internal resource of attentionintention and attitude. That is available to us and is patiently waiting to be observed and used in the service of learning, growing, and healing.

The 4 Basic MBSR Practices Are:

  • The Body Scan- mindful attention while lying down
  • Mindful Walking- mindful attention in daily life and activities
  • Mindful Sitting Meditation- mindful attention while sitting still
  • Mindful Stretching- mindful attention while stretching or doing yoga

The Lessons Are Highly Participatory And Includes:

  • Reflections
  • Poetry and Articles
  • Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
  • Audio’s with 22 practices and practice forms
  • Daily home assignments- at least 45 minutes a day
  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practice
  • Inquiry exercises to enhance personal awareness in everyday life
  • Instruction on stress response and stress hardiness models and research

OptionalThe Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook by Bob Stahl, can be ordered from Amazon.com ($15 USD)

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